Empathy amid Fear: A Study of Affect in Meg Cabot’s Abandon
Empathy, Fear, Affect, KristevaAbstract
The aim of this article is to trace affect in Meg Cabot’s novel, Abandon. Affective analysis is a sect of the semiotic side of language which contributes to discovering the deeper and hidden layers of language. Julia Kristeva is a major figure in this regard, utilizing semiotics in the critical analysis of literary texts. She has specifically focused on how the sole responsibility of our unconscious fears and affects and their effects on others lies with us. This article, likewise, scrutinizes the same features in the novel, Abandon. This novel depicts the demanding moments of Pierce Oliviera, a teenager, years after her near-death experience, while the previous events of the protagonist’s life are shown as a series of flashbacks. Through portraying Pierce’s fears, we elaborate on how empathy, fostered among those sharing similar challenges, can facilitate overcoming the fearful conditions. Additionally, social collectiveness and affective connection among the characters can be the basis for the accumulation and the circulation of positive energy.