Current Issue
Advance Access
About the Journal
Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature (JCSLL) is a bimonthly double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal that represents an interdisciplinary and critical forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay between language, literature, and translation. It locates at the intersection of disciplines including linguistics, discourse studies, stylistic analysis, linguistic analysis of literature, comparative literature, literary criticism, translation studies, literary translation and related areas. It focuses mainly on the empirically and critically founded research on the role of language, literature, and translation in all social processes and dynamics.
Articles submitted to JCSLL should bring together critical theories and concepts and in-depth, empirical, language- and literary-oriented analysis. They have to be problem-oriented and rely on well-informed contemporary as well as historical contextualisation of the analysed texts and contexts. Methodologies can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed, but must in any case be systematic and anchored in relevant linguistic, literary, and translation disciplines.
JCSLL welcomes review papers of any research monograph or edited volume which takes a critical and analytical approach to the study of language, literature, and translation, as broadly conceived above. If you are interested in reviewing any recent, relevant text please email jcsll@gta.org.uk and we can arrange for a book copy to be sent to you.
This journal is a serial publication uniquely identified by an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN: 2732-4605) serial number certificate issued by The British Library. All the research works are uniquely identified by a CrossRef DOI digital object identifier supplied by indexing and repository platforms.
- Country of Publication: England
- Publisher: Global Talent Academy Press
- ISSN: 2732-4605 (Print & Online)
- DOI: Yes
- Imprint: Lulu Press Inc.
- Format:Print & Online
- Acceptance Rate: 40% in 2024
- Frequency: Biomonthly
- Publication Dates:January, March, May, July, September, November
- e-Version FirstTM: Yes
- Scope: Linguistics, Literature, Translation Studies
- Article Processing Charges:Yes (Subject to change)
- Type of Journal:Academic/Scholarly Journal
- Open Access: Yes
- Indexed & Abstracted: ISC, Google Scholar, Crossref, Mendeley
- Policy: Double-blind Peer-reviewed
- Language of Publication: English
- Review Time:Eight Weeks Approximately
- Contact & Submission e-mail: jcsll@gta.org.uk
Cover Letter
- Full title: Specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the field, max 95 characters (including spaces).
- Full author details: The title(s), full name(s), position(s), affiliation(s) and contact details (postal address, email, telephone, highest academic degree, Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (ORCID) and cell phone number) of each author.
- Corresponding author: Identify to whom all correspondence should be addressed.
- Authors’ contributions: Briefly summarise the nature of the contribution made by each of the authors listed.
- Disclaimer: A statement that the views expressed in the submitted article are his or her own and not an official position of the institution or funder.
- Source(s) of support: These include grants, equipment, and/or other support that facilitated conduct of the work described in the article or the writing of the article itself.
- Summary: Lastly, a list containing the number of words, pages, tables, figures and/or other supplementary material should accompany the submission.
Anyone that has made a significant contribution to the research and the paper must be listed as an author in your cover letter. Contributions that fall short of meeting the criteria as stipulated in our policy should rather be mentioned in the ‘Acknowledgements’ section of the manuscript.
JCSLL recommends that your manuscript be professionally edited prior to submission. JCSLL authors will receive a 15% discount off the language editing services provided by Global Talent Academy. Please note that you should avoid making additional changes to your manuscript after receiving the edited version, as grammatical errors maybe introduced. For more detailed information, you may contact support@gta.org.uk.
The publisher and journal have a policy of “Zero Tolerance on the Plagiarism”. We check the plagiarism issue through two methods: reviewer check and plagiarism prevention tool (ithenticate.com).
All submissions will be checked by iThenticate before being sent to reviewers.
e-Version FirstTM
e-Version First is a feature offered through the journal platform. It allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final printed journal. Readers can freely access or cite the article.
We aim to publish accepted manuscripts in e-Version First in two weeks' time after the final draft completed.